The Science and Benefits of Breastfeeding: Why You Shouldn’t Give Baby Formula to Your Newborn

Welcoming a newborn into the world is a moment of great joy and responsibility for parents. Among the many choices they face, one of the most crucial decisions pertains to how to nourish their baby. Breastfeeding is often considered the gold standard for infant nutrition. However, in some cases, parents may contemplate using formula as an alternative.

In this blog article, we’ll explore why healthcare professionals support breastfeeding over baby formula for newborns. We’ll also delve into the benefits and science of breastfeeding and how it lays the foundation for your baby’s healthy life.

The Immune System Boost

Breast milk serves as an infant’s first line of defense against infections and diseases, acting as a natural immunization. This remarkable fluid contains a plethora of essential components, such as antibodies, white blood cells, and enzymes, that safeguard your baby’s health. Colostrum, the initial form of breast milk produced during the early days after birth, is particularly abundant in these immune-boosting elements.

Beyond its protective properties, breast milk is a rich source of microbiota and various non-immune and immune components. These elements play a crucial role in bolstering the infant’s immunity and aiding the maturation of their developing immune system. In addition to its nutritive value, breast milk serves as a powerful shield, ensuring the infant’s protection against a multitude of diseases.

Optimal Nutritional Balance

Breast milk is perfectly designed to meet the nutritional needs of your growing baby. It contains an ideal balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, tailored to support your infant’s rapid growth and brain development. The formula may try to mimic breast milk, but it can’t replicate the complexity and variation of nutrients that your body naturally provides.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Illnesses

Breastfeeding plays a crucial role in reducing the incidence of chronic illnesses in both infants and mothers. It has been associated with a decreased risk of various conditions in babies, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), childhood obesity, asthma, and allergies.

Conversely, according to TorHoerman Law, there are concerns about formula feeding potentially contributing to a condition called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in infants. Notably, there has been a notable increase in legal action against Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturer of Similac, a popular formula based on cow’s milk.

The Similac lawsuit alleges that the company failed to adequately inform consumers about the potential risk of NEC in preterm infants. This risk is associated with their cow’s milk-based products. These legal actions contend that the company should have been aware of the NEC risk.

They cite studies dating back to 1990 that indicated a higher prevalence of NEC in preterm infants who were formula-fed rather than breastfed. One study suggests that exclusively formula-fed infants faced a six to ten times greater risk of NEC compared to those who were breastfed. Another study reported a risk that was 20 times higher for premature infants fed formula rather than breast milk.

In light of these concerns, it is clear that breastfeeding plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the health of infants.

Bonding and Emotional Development

Breastfeeding extends beyond mere nourishment; it offers an intimate and bonding experience for both you and your baby. The skin-to-skin contact and emotional connection forged during breastfeeding significantly contribute to your baby’s emotional development.

According to WebMD, the profound connection and bonding formed during this nurturing embrace can lead to positive psychological effects. These effects include a reduction in stress and an increased sense of calm. Additionally, this breastfeeding-induced bond cultivates feelings of security, trust, and comfort.

Enhanced Cognitive Development

Research indicates a strong connection between breastfeeding and improved cognitive development in children. Infants who are breastfed tend to exhibit better performance on intelligence tests as they grow older. According to the researchers, this improvement in cognitive development may be attributed to breastfeeding’s potential mechanisms.

These mechanisms encompass the supply of vital nutrients essential for neural development. Examples of these nutrients include polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), along with micronutrients like iron, folate, zinc, and choline.

Environmental Impact

Choosing to breastfeed is not only beneficial for your baby but also for the environment. Breast milk is produced without any negative environmental impact, unlike formula production, which requires resources and manufacturing, all of which contribute to carbon emissions.


While formula can be a suitable alternative in certain situations, breastfeeding remains the gold standard for infant nutrition due to its numerous proven benefits. This powerful natural resource sets the foundation for a healthier life for your baby.

If you’re contemplating whether to give baby formula to your newborn, consider the remarkable advantages of breastfeeding. It can have a lifelong impact on your child’s well-being.