What Is The Account Suffix?

Are you curious to know what is the account suffix? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about the account suffix in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is the account suffix?

In the realm of computer systems and networking, account management plays a vital role in ensuring secure access and efficient organization of user information. One component of account management that often surfaces is the account suffix. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of the account suffix, exploring its meaning, purpose, and how it is used in various contexts.

What Is The Account Suffix?

An account suffix refers to the additional characters or text that are appended to a user account name or identifier. It is commonly employed in systems that require unique identifiers for users or resources, such as email addresses, domain names, and network accounts. The account suffix typically appears after the username and is separated by a delimiter, such as an “@” symbol or a period.

Account Suffix In Email Addresses:

In the context of email, the account suffix is known as the domain name and follows the “@” symbol. It identifies the domain or organization that hosts the email service. For example, in the email address “[email protected],” “example.com” represents the account suffix/domain name. It distinguishes email addresses belonging to different organizations and helps route messages to the appropriate mail servers.

Account Suffix In Network Accounts:

In network account management, the account suffix is often used in the form of a distinguished name (DN) or a user principal name (UPN). A DN is a hierarchical identifier used in directory services, such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), to uniquely identify objects. The account suffix appears as a part of the DN, separating different levels of the directory hierarchy.

Similarly, a UPN is a user-friendly identifier used in Microsoft Active Directory environments. It consists of a username and an account suffix, typically in the format “[email protected].” The account suffix helps differentiate user accounts across domains or forest boundaries in a network environment.

Importance And Purpose Of The Account Suffix:

The account suffix serves several important purposes:

  1. Uniqueness: By including the account suffix, user accounts or resources can have unique identifiers, enabling systems to differentiate between various entities. This uniqueness is crucial for effective account management, access control, and resource allocation.
  2. Routing and Identification: In email systems, the account suffix/domain name helps direct messages to the correct mail servers. It allows email clients and servers to identify the organization responsible for handling incoming and outgoing messages.
  3. Organizational Identity: The account suffix often reflects the organization or domain to which a user account belongs. It helps establish a sense of identity and affiliation, especially in network environments and email communication.


The account suffix plays a significant role in account management, network systems, and email communication. By appending additional characters or text to user account names or identifiers, it ensures uniqueness, enables routing, and helps establish organizational identity. Whether in email addresses, network accounts, or directory services, understanding the purpose and significance of the account suffix is essential for effective system administration and user management.

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How Do I Find My Account Suffix?

An account suffix is the one or two-digit number that appears at the end of the account number in the account list in your Online or Mobile Banking account.

What Is A Suffix In Banking Terms?

What is a suffix/share ID? A suffix/share ID helps differentiate between account types. For example, if you set up direct deposit and want it to go to your checking account, you need to add your checking suffix, 90 for example, to your account number.

What Is The Account Number Suffix For Honor Credit Union?

Account Suffix Example: 20012345001 – the last three digits are your specific account suffix, such as checking, or a specific savings account. Where To Find An Account Suffix: log in to online banking or the Honor mobile app and you will find the three-digit suffix listed next to the account name.

What Bank Account Suffix Is 38?

The first two digits tell you the bank – Kiwibank is 38. The next four digits tell you the branch – for Kiwibank this ranges anywhere between 9000-9499.


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What Is The Account Suffix

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What is an account suffix?